About Ag Assist

About Ag Assist

Ag Assist is a farm business management consultancy with multi-disciplinary expertise in rural business. It is based at Chinchilla in the heart of the Darling Downs in Queensland. We service client in Queensland and New South Wales. 

Our Background

Established in 2010, Ag Assist's farm business management consultancy includes a customer base of farmers, agricultural lobby groups, charities, Government departments, non-Government organisations and small and large businesses. We have a wide range of experience working in varied roles and Government organisations including extension and program delivery, technical research trials and group facilitation.

On behalf of clients; Ag Assist works very closely with service providers to agriculture e.g. Sisters of Charity Community Care, Downs and South West Community Support, Lifeline, Centacare, Regional Investment Corporation (RIC), Queensland Rural and Industry Development Authority (QRIDA), Services Australia (formally Centrelink), Department of Agriculture and Fisheries (DAF), Legal Aid Queensland (LAQ), The University of Queensland (UQ), University of Southern Queensland (USQ), numerous legal, accountancy firms and banks.

Our People

Glenn Budden, Chief Rural Property Manager

E: info@agassist.com.au


Glenn has gained a wealth of knowledge and experience working with primary producers across Queensland since 1999 as they endured years of drought, fire, and flood.  At the start of the millennial drought, Glenn began working off-farm as a Rural Financial Counsellor (RFC).  

Prior to that, after 10 years in banking, Glenn had first-hand working experience managing and operating the dryland mixed livestock and grain farm business together with his wife and parents.

While farming, Glenn networked with QLD DPI on a number of new and emerging technologies and farming techniques, including zero-till in the eighties and controlled traffic farming in the late nineties.  Glenn completed 3 Diplomas in rural business management, agriculture and financial counselling while farming and working as an RFC.

Glenn developed a strong interest in producer viability, rural business models and strategic planning culminating in a whole business approach, while working with producers to analyse and identify areas of concern to the ongoing profitability and viability of their business.  

Glenn worked in conjunction with lawyers to assist over 100 farmers in financial difficulty through the arduous and draining farm bank debt mediation process.  He was also secretary on The Western Downs Solutions Group (WDSG), which was formed because of severe drought.

The WDSG working group, including Glenn, State and Federal Govt. representatives, brought about meaningful reform to drought assistance for rural businesses as well as welfare assistance for primary producers in 2003.  Glenn has presented/facilitated a range of workshops on farm related issues, including financial awareness and viability for primary producers, conflict resolution, communication for primary producers talking to their lenders, succession planning and time management for rural managers.

Glenn trained as a farm family meeting facilitator under Lynn Sykes, as a telephone counsellor, and has been a facilitator/trainer of a range of Living Works Suicide Intervention and Rural Minds (primary producer mental health awareness) programs.